Heya, I am Mauro

I am Mauro, also known as "Kirigaya Kazuto", "R.Profile" or "Commander R" online. I am a self-thaught developer.

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About me


My name is Mauro Walker, and I am currently a student in IT. Eventually I want to have my own IT business. After this study I want to go further into the IT with software development.

My story

I began programming programming when I was 16. I started with making discord bots and eventually websites as well in 2021.
I made my first piece of code because I was being a part of a botlist (a website for listing/finding discord bots), they required people to have at least 1 discord bot on their listing in order to be a helper on their listing website.
After I made my first bot I felt programming is really fun, so I started doing it more and now I can make pretty advanced discord bots, and some nice looking websites as well. I am currently learning how to use databases within websites without PHP but with EJS.

My most used languages & tools

bash Bash
Bootstrap Bootstrap
ejs EJS
JavaScript JavaScript
NodeJS Node.js
npm NPM
Visual Studio code Visual Studio Code
Devicon Devicon
Windows Windows
GitHub Github
express Express.js


Here are some of my projects.

Flappy Block

Flappy Block

This website is made with Node.js, Express, and EJS and was made as a school project.

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Mauro's Personal Website

Mauro's Personal Website

This website is made with Node.js, Express, and EJS.

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Stock Management System

Stock Management System

This website is made with Node.js, Express and EJS.
This website is made as a school project.

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Undertale RPG website

Undertale RPG bot website

This website is made with Node.js, Express and html.
This website is made for a bot that Yara Naafs (my girlfriend) made. It is an RPG (Role-Playing Game) that you can play in discord.

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The Lost Pack Development

The Lost Pack Development

This website is made with Node.js, Express and EJS.
This website is made for people who don't know how to make discord bots & websites so they can hire us to make one for them.

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